Sunday, December 23, 2007

feliz navidad[:

Went to Aunty Dorinda's house ytd.The house is like so nice,can't help being awed at the sight of it:DAnw they were throwing a christmas party & we went there to crash the party.JK.They had a nice spread of food,given it's beautifully decorated house and christmas settin,we felt as though we were at some 5 star restaurant.seriously!we ate like noodles,pie,roasted pig,turkey,chicken and potatos,lamb stew,salad,minestrone,different types of bread,fruits,cordial and brownies!was really bloated after that.

After the dinner,the younger children went swimmin at their private pool and the older ones sat around talkin & camwhoring.LOL.the pictures turned out a little blurry though,but i'll still post it up[:




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